Sweet Success: How to Host a Heartwarming Valentine Gram Fundraiser for Your PTO/PTA

Sharing the Love, Raising Funds
February is more than just the month of love; it's an opportunity to infuse warmth and generosity into your school community. If you're looking for an easy and heartwarming fundraising idea for your PTO/PTA, look no further than the delightful world of Valentine Grams. In my past years serving on a PTA Board, this fundraiser was always a favorite among students and parents! 

The Concept: Sending Love, One Gram at a Time
Valentine Grams are small tokens of affection that students can purchase for their classmates, teachers, or anyone in the school community. The concept is simple: participants buy a gram, personalize it with a sweet note or their friend's name, and these grams are then delivered to the recipients, spreading joy and love throughout the school. Sometimes accompanied by a small treat or trinket. Turning this tradition into a fundraiser not only spreads love but also raises funds for your school activities.

Execution: Turning Love into Funds

  1. Choose Template: Purchase a visually appealing Valentine Gram template. Decide if you want to include a small add-on.

  2. Pricing Strategy: Set an affordable price for each gram, ensuring that it's accessible for all students. Consider offering bulk discounts for those who want to buy grams for multiple friends or for the whole class. If offering a class option, allow the student to take home the Grams to fill out at home and then to bring back the following day if needed to attach the add-on.
    Pricing Example: 
    .25¢ for 1 Gram
    $1 for 5 Grams
    $5 for 25 Grams
    $6 for 30 Grams

  3. Communicate with Parents: Spread the word about the fundraiser through newsletters, social media, and the school website. Let them know about this simple fundraiser where they can support your Parent group instead of purchasing store bought Valentines. 

  4. Choose Optimal Selling Time: Decide whether the selling event will be held before school, after school, or during lunch (if there's a suitable area with tables). Tailor the timing to fit the school's routine.

  5. Setting Up the Selling Area: Secure at least two 6ft tables, pencils, and a straightforward filing system. Create a designated space where volunteers can comfortably engage with students. Two volunteers can assist the children with their purchases, while the third smoothly transitions between filing and assisting.

  6. Sales Table: At one table, showcase the adorable Valentine Grams for sale. Clearly display pricing and encourage students to pick the perfect ones for their friends. Ensure you have a secure cash box to manage transactions efficiently at the selling table. At the other table, provide a creative space where students can personalize their grams. Equip this area with pencils for the students to fill out their grams.

  7. Filing System: Once a child completes their gram, collect it and file it under the corresponding delivery teacher. Simplify this process by alphabetizing or categorizing by grade.

  8. Extended Purchase Option: For students buying grams for the entire class, permit them to take grams home, encouraging them to return the filled-out grams the following day.

  9. Sales Duration: Plan for a sales period of 2 to 3 days to ensure widespread participation and to accommodate the entire school community.

  10. Delivery Options: Place all of the grams into a bag and deliver to the teachers classroom on a designated day. This way the teacher can hand them out at a time that works best for their class.

  11. Add-On for Fun: Boost your fundraiser's appeal by offering optional add-ons. Mini erasers or small treats can be included with each gram, adding a delightful surprise for the recipients.

Benefits of a Valentine Gram Fundraiser:

  1. Easy Setup: Requires minimal resources and effort to get started.
  2. Community Building: Fosters a sense of community by encouraging students & staff to connect through kind gestures.
  3. Inclusive: Inclusive of all students, creating an environment of sharing and caring.
  4. Cost-Effective: With a digital download option and optional treats, it's a budget-friendly choice.

Conclusion: Share the Love, Grow the Community

Hosting a Valentine Gram fundraiser is a win-win for your PTO/PTA. It not only injects warmth and affection into the school atmosphere but also generates funds that can be invested back into enriching the educational experience. So, let's spread love, one gram at a time, and watch as your PTO/PTA achieves sweet success!

Are you ready to turn love into funds? Download our adorable Valentine Gram templates and start spreading the joy!

Click here to see my Valentine Grams Options!

Share the love, share the success! 💕✨

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